Any card + gift for £15

Any card + candle for £18

Over 3,000 5 star reviews 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

Extended about

Firstly, thanks for being here! I’m Sasha and I started Cheeky Zebra because I wanted to make the kind of cards that I’d like to receive in all their sarcastic glory...

I wanted to show affection in a way that felt honest and legit without feeling cringey and awkward. I also wanted to design cards for the not so shiny times because sometimes life’s crap and Hallmark doesn’t quite cut it.

Since starting Cheeky Zebra it’s become about more than just the cards and we're proud to be building a small community of kind souls with a sense of humour. We’re a genuinely small business with a lot of heart. We pour a tonne of care into our cards from the designs, all the way to our bright orange delivery envelopes, which I like to think are iconic.  

Our big crazy goal is to become the universal slouch wear of the card world helping people spread love in a fun and real way.

If by some twist of fate you're still reading this and would like to get to know us a bit more feel free to check our blog which is basically just an embarrassing stream of me oversharing, or our Instagram @cheekyzebradotcom (which is basically the same).

If you’re feeling really on it, please sign up to our very occasional and non-aggressive newsletter on the bottom of this page and we’ll keep in touch and send you the odd email before major events like Christmas etc.